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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bilingual God's Knot- as read @ our wedding by Ludi

(Courtesy of La Jenny and www.Godsknot.com)

The braiding of the three strands demonstrates how Chester and Melissa are joined by God in marriage. Each strand holds special meaning.

The Gold Strand symbolizes that the Lord Jesus has been invited by Chester and Melissa to the position of authority in this marriage relationship.

The Purple Strand represents the groom. It illustrates the majesty of God as head over the husband. As Chester submits himself to the Lord, the Lord in turn holds the marriage together through him.

The White Strand represents the bride. It illustrates the purity of the bride of Christ. As each has received Jesus Christ as their first love and personal Savior and Lord, they are
cleansed through the blood of Jesus.

Ecclesiastes 4:12
reads, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves..” A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Today, Chester and Melissa have been woven together by God as ONE in marriage.

Esta cuerda demuestra como Chester y Melissa están unidos por Dios en Matrimonio.

Cada color representa algo especial.

El hilo dorado symboliza que JesuCristo ha sido invitado por Chester y Melissa a la posicion de autoridad en este matrimonio.

El hilo morado representa al novio. La majestad de Dios esta sobre el esposo. Cuando Chester sigua al Señor Jesucristo, Dios guardara el matrimonio atravez de Chester.

El hilo blanco representa a la novia. Ilustra la puridad de la novia de Cristo. Como cada uno a recibido a Jesucristo como su primer amor, salvador y señor, han sido purificados por la sangre de Cristo.

Eclesiastés 4:12 dice: Uno solo puede ser vencido, pero dos pueden resistir. ¡La cuerda de tres hilos no se rompe fácilmente!